Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Jackie's predecessor in the White House Crossword Clue

jackies predecessor in the white house

The White House, she said, was not only a place for the president to work and live, but also as a destination for every American who visited Washington, DC, a showcase for art and culture, and a place of national pride. Mrs. Kennedy and her committee located many pieces of furniture and artwork that had been owned by presidents, had been part of the White House collection, or exemplified the period portrayed in the different rooms. They also persuaded many owners of historic furnishings to donate them to the White House. Jacqueline Kennedy had first visited the White House as a tourist with her mother and sister in 1941.

Palace of State: The Eisenhower Executive Office Building

jackies predecessor in the white house

At the IPC he served as the Chief Commercial and Chief Financial Officer, and as Secretary to the Board of Directors. At the IPC he also chaired the Board of Advisors from the 25-member countries, which includes the U.S., as well as chairing three remuneration committees that governed the exchange of mail and packages among member countries. Thomas G. Day has 45 years of service in the federal government in both the U.S. During his 35 years at the Postal Service, he served in several senior roles, including Vice President of Engineering, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Senior Vice President of Intelligent Mail, and Chief Sustainability Officer. From 2007 to 2011, he also served as the Chair of the Standards Board at the Universal Postal Union – the U.N.

Jackie's predecessor in the White House NYT Crossword Clue

A new petition asks Jill Biden to undo Trump's Rose Garden changes - The Architect's Newspaper

A new petition asks Jill Biden to undo Trump's Rose Garden changes.

Posted: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Jackie posed for hers, by artist Aaron Shikler in 1968, depicted in the living room of her Fifth Avenue apartment. Although she posed in several outfits, the final choice she decided on for herself showed her in a long gown with a scarf and scalloped high-neck, in gold and pink hues, looking to the side. Shikler executed his portrait of President Kennedy from photographs. It is unlike any other presidential portrait, his eyes not visible as he looks down, deep in thought. Despite her expensive tastes, Jacqueline Kennedy's tenure as First Lady comprised more than costly restorations and lavish entertainments. Jackie possessed a political side which found expression in subtle ways.

jackies predecessor in the white house

Tom or Sylvester Crossword Clue

Her own public appearances were highly successful, but limited in number. After the sadness of a miscarriage and the stillbirth of a daughter, Caroline Bouvier was born in 1957; John Jr. was born between the election of 1960 and Inauguration Day. Patrick Bouvier, born prematurely on August 7, 1963, died two days later. Although Jackie Kennedy was highly visible when campaigning on behalf of the arts, she was often invisible when it came to most everything else. Jackie rarely attended public gatherings, often asking mother-in-law Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, "second lady" Lady Bird Johnson, or even the President to go in her stead. She limited her availability to reporters and restricted media access to her children.

A Secret Visit

The New York Times crossword is created by a team of skilled puzzle constructors and editors, who work to ensure that each puzzle is both entertaining and challenging for solvers. The puzzles are often themed, with clues and answers related to a particular subject or concept, and they frequently feature wordplay and puns. We have the answer for Jackie's predecessor in the White House crossword clue if you need help figuring out the solution! Crossword puzzles provide a fun and engaging way to keep your brain active and healthy, while also helping you develop important skills and improving your overall well-being.

And she moved aside electric gear in a broadcast room to uncover the Resolute desk. The desk, made from timbers from the HMS Resolute, had been a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes. Kennedy then placed the desk in the Oval Office, where it has remained for many presidential administrations. Kennedy dug into details for the White House restoration, studying books and periodicals to learn about White House history. Thanks to her research, four Cézanne paintings in the National Gallery of Art were moved to the White House, the originally intended destination.

Even at a Funeral, LBJ and Lady Bird Couldn't Make Their Peace With the Kennedys - Texas Monthly

Even at a Funeral, LBJ and Lady Bird Couldn't Make Their Peace With the Kennedys.

Posted: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 00:49:23 GMT [source]

Presidential Pop Culture * Unconventional Americana * Mythic History * Dogs *

When President John F. Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy moved into the White House, they found a building that was very different from what it is today. It wasn’t suited for the kind of family living they were accustomed to–and in the First Lady’s eyes, it also didn’t have the dignity befitting the First House of the nation. In 1981, former President and Mrs. Nixon decided to leave their home in California and relocate once again to New York, residing on the upper East Side not far from Mrs. Onassis, now widowed a second time and working as a professional book editor. In a humor column in the New York Times, Russell Baker joked about Jackie and Nixon bumping into each other on a street corner and spilling the bagels in the bags they were carrying. In truth, they never did see each other despite their mutual  proximity.

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy

The calm, tranquil depiction of the Seine was a gift of the Kennedy family in memory of President John F. Kennedy. Monet produced a series of paintings of the Seine from 1896 to 1897. She is perhaps most famous, however, for her courage in the aftermath of her husband's assassination. Her strength and resolve were evident when, in her blood-spattered coat, she stood next to Lyndon Baines Johnson at his swearing-in, when she took her place in President Kennedy's funeral processional, and as she helped the nation grieve.

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Although Pat Nixon had changed the decor, the same basic furniture and look remained. President Nixon recalled that a White House butler who had been there during the Kennedy years served the former First Lady a glass of white wine, with ice in it. She explained that was how she had drank it while she was First Lady.

It was the heiress Rachel Mellon and her friend, Jacqueline Kennedy, seated near Senator Teddy Kennedy. Kennedy, this must bring back many memories.” She either did not hear him or chose not to respond. At the request of the former First Lady, no photographs were taken during the few hours she returned to the White House. Based on descriptions of the visit, however, and using period images, the author has created several plates of composite photo images to commemorate the event, appearing herein for the only time. After dinner, President Nixon took over the tour and led the Kennedy family to the West Wing.

As the White House was a temporary residence for each president, JFK and others worried that substantial changes could attract criticism. Even before she moved into the White House for the duration of husband John F. Kennedy's presidency, Kennedy wasn't impressed by the presidential abode. She felt it "looked like it's been furnished by discount stores," and didn't appreciate features such as having water fountains on various walls. The décor also reflected predecessor Mamie Eisenhower's fondness for the color pink.

The inauguration of John F. Kennedy in 1961 brought to the White House and to the heart of the nation a beautiful young wife and the first young children of a President in half a century. First Lady Jacqueline Lee “Jackie” (Bouvier) Kennedy Onassis was a symbol of strength for a traumatized nation after the assassination of one the country’s most energetic political figures, President John F. Kennedy, who served from 1961 to 1963. Parish’s work was “the ultimate in Wasp chic,” writes Sally Bedell Smith for Vanity Fair–a perfect choice for Jackie Kennedy. Between the two of them, they quickly spent $50,000 in the redecoration and remodelling of the White House's family quarters. But for Kennedy, it was the start of a bigger project to give the White House gravitas and a historic feeling that she felt it lacked. Parish, who had a great  deal of knowledge about antiques, helped to shape that vision.

Jackie's predecessor in the White House crossword puzzle clues & answers

jackies predecessor in the white house

They used diplomatic occasions at home and abroad to express core national values; to celebrate American history, culture, and achievement; and to enhance the role of the arts in national life. To avoid the politically controversial use of public money for this work, Mrs. Kennedy established the White House Historical Association, which would publish the first official White House guidebook in 1962. All profits from the sale of the guidebook to the millions who toured the White House would be used to fund the restoration project and to purchase the furnishings and other historic materials located by the Fine Arts Committee. Her goal was to restore the state rooms of the White House to reflect the artistic and architectural history of the presidential mansion.

CNN, MSNBC avoid Biden's 'Where's Jackie?' snafu after obsessing over Trump's 'Tim Apple' gaffe - Fox News

CNN, MSNBC avoid Biden's 'Where's Jackie?' snafu after obsessing over Trump's 'Tim Apple' gaffe.

Posted: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Jackie’s predecessor in the White House NYT Crossword Answer is:

A state funeral was quickly planned and the nation grieved for its commander in chief while the Kennedy family mourned the loss of a father and husband. After the funeral, Jacqueline Kennedy made plans to quickly move her family out of the White House to make way for President Lyndon Johnson and his family. On December 6, 1963, two weeks after the president’s death, the Kennedys departed the White House.2 During the rest of her lifetime Jacqueline Kennedy returned to the White House only once. On February 3, 1971, she visited the Executive Mansion with her children to view the recently completed portraits of herself and her husband at the invitation of President Richard Nixon and First Lady Patricia Nixon.

Jackie’s predecessor in the White House NYT Crossword Clue

Colleen Duffy Kiko has served as Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) since December 2017. Kiko has a long history with the FLRA, first working in its predecessor agency, the Labor Management Services Administration of the Department of Labor (DOL). When the FLRA opened its doors on January 1979, she began work in the Washington Regional Office investigating unfair labor practices. She ultimately moved into positions within the headquarters of the FLRA. From 2005 to 2008, Kiko served as FLRA General Counsel, having been nominated by President George W. Bush and unanimously confirmed by the U.S.

Presidential Pop Culture * Unconventional Americana * Mythic History * Dogs *

The New York Times crossword is available in print in the newspaper and online, and it has a dedicated following of loyal solvers who eagerly await each day's puzzle. The New York Times crossword was first published in The New York Times in 1942 and has been a daily feature ever since. It is known for its high level of difficulty and for its clever, often playful, clues and themes. The puzzles range in size from 15x15 grids on weekdays to larger 21x21 grids on Sundays, with varying levels of difficulty. Former President Donald Trump proudly announced on his Truth Social platform on Monday that his former Republican rival Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is fully on board with his re-election.

“I’m-not-quite-ready-to-wake-up” button Crossword Clue

When I sat on Lincolns bed and wished for something my wish really came true. The new Mrs. Onassis wrote a letter of congratulations to the Nixons. While the hand of fate made Jack and me political opponents I always cherished the fact that we were personal friends from the time we came to the Congress together in 1947.

Should Trump be allowed to run for office?

We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. In Washington she took a job as “inquiring photographer” for a local newspaper. Her path soon crossed that of Senator Kennedy, who had the reputation of being the most eligible bachelor in the capital. Their romance progressed slowly and privately, but their wedding at Newport in 1953 attracted nationwide publicity.

The Official 2024 White House Christmas Ornament

Patrice Jordan Robinson was elected to the Memphis City Council in November 2015 as the District 3 representative. In 2020, she guided the Council through the COVID-19 pandemic as the Chairwoman. Since 2016, Robinson has chaired the Memphis City Council Memphis Light Gas and Water (MLGW) Committee.

Jacqueline Kennedy

That friendship evidenced itself in many ways including the invitation we received to attend your wedding. Senator John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier first met both Nixons, and their daughters Tricia and Julie, when she interviewed them for her newspaper column, The Inquiring Cameragirl. Following her engagement to Kennedy, Dick and Pat joined Jack and Jackie at a dinner party, followed by the Washington premier of the Broadway musical comedy, Guys and Dolls.

U.S. First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies

Similarly, Jacqueline Onassis did not attend the 1991 dedication of the Nixon Presidential Library; yet neither did she attend those of LBJ, Ford, Carter, Reagan or Bush. Nancy Tuckerman, the lifelong confidante and aide to Jackie, flew to Washington to hand deliver the letter to the First Lady, in which she suggested that private unveiling for her children would be possible. Pat asked Nancy to call Jackie, who agreed to come back, with her children, on the condition that there be no press coverage. The First Lady’s press secretary’s not even told about the secret return. Unlike other former Presidents, John F. Kennedy died before he was able to pose for a White House portrait. By now, it was the White House Historical Association, which she had created, which commissioned the official portraits of Presidents and First Ladies.

If you need help with other clues, head to our NYT Crossword November 17, 2023 Hints page. "What is democracy? What are the pillars? A free and independent press to tell the story. To keep everybody informed of what people are saying and doing. That transparency is essentially." "We've had other concerns in our country and if you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump — that may be your role — but it ain't mine." Trump, she said, had "the worst record of job loss of any president." Ultimately, DeSantis, who was running on a similar platform to the former president, dropped out of the race, leaving former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as the final major challenger to Trump. She dropped out after a weak showing in the Super Tuesday contests, but continues to receive protest votes in many of the ongoing Republican primaries, like in Pennsylvania.

Jackie Kennedy responded not by admitting that some of her wardrobe was from Paris but pointing out that Mrs. Nixon bought clothes from the expensive Elizabeth Arden salon in Washington. This photograph shows the Diplomatic Reception Room during the John F. Kennedy administration. The Diplomatic Reception Room serves as an entrance from the South Grounds of the White House for the first family and visiting foreign officials.

The Kennedys invited the Nixons to their wedding, though the then-Vice President and his wife were unable to attend. After the trauma of her first husband’s assassination on November 22, 1963, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis vowed to never return to the executive mansion. Fifty years ago today, on February 3, 1971, former First Lady and widow of President John F. Kennedy, by then remarried, made her first and only visit back to the White House. Morning on the Seine, Good Weather is a landscape of the Seine River in France by renowned French Impressionist Claude Monet.

jackies predecessor in the white house

Jacqueline Kennedy's appreciation of culture and art influenced her conduct as First Lady in other ways as well. She was determined to make the White House a "showcase" for American talent and hosted dinners where eminent scholars, musicians, and artists debated, entertained, and mingled with guests. Shakespeare readings, balletic performances, and musical recitals headlined the White House social calendar as Jackie worked to elevate the arts in America.

Monday, May 6, 2024

House of Commons reps crossword puzzle clue

house of commons reps crossword clue

She also recorded a Maori version of the song, under the title “Te Ao Marama”. Originally, tarpaulins were made from canvas covered in tar that rendered the material waterproof. The word “tarpaulin” comes from “tar” and “palling”, with “pall” meaning “heavy cloth covering”. Toledo, Ohio lies in the northwest of the state, at the western end of Lake Erie. Toledo was founded as a result of the prosperity that hit the area when the Miami and Erie Canal was constructed in the 19th century connecting Cincinnati to the Great Lakes. Toledo is known as the Glass City as several glass companies originated there, including Owens Corning and Pilkington North America.

How many letters are in House of Commons reps crossword clue

Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself. We are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers that have created the games. All images and logos are property of their respective owners. The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals.

Clue: Term length in the House of Representatives

house of commons reps crossword clue

Did you came up with a solution that did not solve the clue? No worries we keep a close eye on all the clues and update them regularly with the correct answers. We found 40 solutions for House of Commons reps. The top solutions are determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. This clue last appeared in the LA Times Crossword on December 9, 2023. The US Naval Observatory was founded in 1830 as the Depot of Charts and Instruments.

Your Crossword Clues FAQ Guide

In early 2019, Harris announced her run for the Democratic nomination for US president in the 2020 election. Although she dropped out of the race, she was chosen by eventual nominee Joe Biden as his vice-presidential running mate. When the Biden-Harris ticket won the election, Harris became the first female US vice president, and the highest-ranking female politician in the history of the nation. Want to know where MPS has appeared as a solution before?

house of commons reps crossword clue

Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term. Representatives are also called congressmen/congresswomen. Americans in the United States’s six territories are represented in the House of Representatives by an additional six non-voting delegates. Each state in the United States elects two senators, regardless of the state’s population.

Despite the name, Von Dutch is a fashion brand based in Los Angeles that was founded in 1999. The brand was named for artist Kenny Howard, who went by the names “Dutch” and “Von Dutch”. Howard passed away in 1992, and his daughters gave permission for the name to be used. Puerto Rican singer, dancer and actress Rita Moreno is one of the few performers to have won an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy and Tony (EGOT).

Historical Usage in Crossword Puzzles

The philosophical concept of anti-mimesis is often referred to as “life imitating art”. Oscar Wilde used the latter expression in his 1889 essay “The Decay of Lying”, asserting that “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life”. Wilde promoted anti-mimesis with the example of the all too common fog seen in London.

How can I find a solution for House of Commons reps?

“Dumpster fire” is an informal term that was coined in the early 2000s to describe a catastrophically bad situation. The phrase uses the image of the fire that can start in large trash bins. By adding “-nik” to a noun, the new word describes a person related to what that noun describes. Examples of the use of “-nik” in mainstream English are “beatnik” and “”refusenik”. Examples of more casual “-nik” terms are “neatnik” and “peacenik”. Kamala Harris was a US Senator for California starting in 2017, after serving for six years as the Attorney General of California.

New York Times Clues

Before each clue, you have its number and orientation on the puzzle for easier navigation. If you notice multiple answers it means that the clue has appeared multiple times throughout the years and we included historical answers for reference. You can also use the search field as a quicker way to find something. There are a total of 1 crossword puzzles on our site and 169,400 clues. We have found 2 other crossword clues that share the same answer. We have found 2 other crossword clues with the same answer.

You can click on thetiles to reveal letter by letter before uncovering the full solution. Enter your email to get the latest answers right in your inbox.

It is responsible for producing data for the Department of Defense for navigation, geopositioning and timekeeping. Here’s a little Scrabble trivia … “Pizzazz” is the only 7-letter word in English that cannot be played in Scrabble. You can get close by using the Z-tile with the two blank tiles to get to three of the required four Zs, but there’s no way to get to that fourth letter-Z. “Step by Step” is a sitcom that originally aired from 1991 to 1998.

We found more than 40 answers for House of Commons reps. Here is the answer for the crossword clue House of Commons reps featured in LA Times Daily puzzle on December 8, 2023. We have found 40 possible answers for this clue in our database. Among them, one solution stands out with a 94% match which has a length of 3 letters.

Term length in the House of Representatives crossword puzzle clue

house of commons reps crossword clue

Did you came up with a solution that did not solve the clue? No worries we keep a close eye on all the clues and update them regularly with the correct answers. We found 40 solutions for House of Commons reps. The top solutions are determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. This clue last appeared in the LA Times Crossword on December 9, 2023. The US Naval Observatory was founded in 1830 as the Depot of Charts and Instruments.

What is the answer to House of Commons reps crossword clue

Fog hung over the city periodically for centuries, but it only came to be considered a thing of beauty after artists and poets convinced us of its loveliness. The beauty of fog did not exist until “Art” invented it. Sign up to receive daily alerts, crossword news, and special offers directly to your inbox. Be the first to know when new solutions are posted and stay ahead of the game. House of Commons reps NYT Crossword Clue Answers are listed below.

How can I find a solution for House of Commons reps?

He comes from royalty, and is an “omoba” (prince) of the Yoruba people from West Africa. The concept of a honeymoon vacation only started in the early 1800s. In Britain, wealthy couples would take a “bridal tour” together after the wedding, visiting those friends and relatives who could not attend the ceremony. The equivalent terms in other languages are “moon of honey” (French), “honey month” (Welsh) and “tinsel week” (German). We found 1 possible solution for the House of Commons reps clue.

Related Clues

You can click on thetiles to reveal letter by letter before uncovering the full solution. Enter your email to get the latest answers right in your inbox.

It is responsible for producing data for the Department of Defense for navigation, geopositioning and timekeeping. Here’s a little Scrabble trivia … “Pizzazz” is the only 7-letter word in English that cannot be played in Scrabble. You can get close by using the Z-tile with the two blank tiles to get to three of the required four Zs, but there’s no way to get to that fourth letter-Z. “Step by Step” is a sitcom that originally aired from 1991 to 1998.

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Despite the name, Von Dutch is a fashion brand based in Los Angeles that was founded in 1999. The brand was named for artist Kenny Howard, who went by the names “Dutch” and “Von Dutch”. Howard passed away in 1992, and his daughters gave permission for the name to be used. Puerto Rican singer, dancer and actress Rita Moreno is one of the few performers to have won an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy and Tony (EGOT).

We solved the clue 'House of Commons reps' which last appeared on May 8, 2022 in a N.Y.T crossword puzzle and had three letters. Similar clues are also included in case you ended up here searching only a part of the clue text. With our crossword solver search engine you have access to over 7 million clues. You can narrow down the possible answers by specifying the number of letters it contains.

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house of commons reps crossword clue

It is about two single parents who get married and form a blended family. The mom and dad are played by Patrick Duffy and Suzanne Somers. One of the interesting features of the LA Times Crossword is its inclusion of a wide range of topics, from pop culture and current events to science and history. The puzzle is also known for its themed sections, which can add an extra layer of complexity to the solving experience. In the world of telecommunications, the initialism LTE stands for Long-Term Evolution, and is wireless broadband communication standard.

house of commons reps crossword clue

Before each clue, you have its number and orientation on the puzzle for easier navigation. If you notice multiple answers it means that the clue has appeared multiple times throughout the years and we included historical answers for reference. You can also use the search field as a quicker way to find something. There are a total of 1 crossword puzzles on our site and 169,400 clues. We have found 2 other crossword clues that share the same answer. We have found 2 other crossword clues with the same answer.

Be sure to check more Crossword Clues, Crossword Answers, and our other Word Game coverage. Now, let's get into the answer for House of Commons reps crossword clue most recently seen in the LA Times Crossword. Texting letters is the crossword clue of the shortest answer. The Main Archive Page allows you review answers of old puzzles if you are feeling nostalgic and playing them at the moment.

The LA Times Crossword was first introduced in 2005, and has since become a beloved tradition for many crossword solvers. The puzzle is created by a team of experienced crossword constructors, who are known for their skill and creativity in the field of crossword puzzles. This clue was last seen on NYTimes May 09, 2022 Crossword Puzzle.

Senators serve six-year terms with staggered elections. Americans in the United States’s six territories do not have senators. California has two senators in the United States Senate and 52 representatives in the United States House of Representatives. Jeremy Lin is a professional basketball player who was raised in the city of Palo Alto in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lin is the first American of Chinese descent to play in the NBA. “Solar Power” is a 2021 song co-written and recorded by New Zealand singer Lorde.

Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself. We are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers that have created the games. All images and logos are property of their respective owners. The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals.

Issa Rae is a Stanford University graduate who created a YouTube web series called “The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl”. Rae also plays the title role in the series, a young lady named “J”. “Awkward Black Girl” was adapted into an HBO comedy-drama called “Insecure”, in which Issa Rae stars.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Best Dallas Burger Restaurants

goodfriend beer garden & burger house

For experimental fare, Rye is the place to be on Greenville Avenue. It’s famous for its duroc pork belly lollipops and take on the Icelandic hot dog, as well as its deep whiskey list and whiskey-driven cocktail menu. The restaurant has added a chef’s tasting menu, lunch, and brunch. The great thing about going for sliders instead of a full-sized burger is that you can try a few wildly different burgers all at once. Maple & Motor has long offered one of Dallas’ favorite burgers, landing on nearly every burger enthusiast’s best-of list and even earning recognition from flame-shirted Food Network personality Guy Fieri.

goodfriend beer garden & burger house

When North Texas brewery closes April 27, Fort Worth will be ‘a lot less funky’

Goodfriend's Insanely Spicy Burger Packs the Fury of a Thousand Suns - Eater Dallas

Goodfriend's Insanely Spicy Burger Packs the Fury of a Thousand Suns.

Posted: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Add in the fact that the restaurant actively hires veterans to run the place, and you've got a feel good story that tastes even better. The restaurant will have a sizable patio situated around an oak tree that Tobin estimates is 90 years old. The patio wall will have three garage doors opening outside, just like Goodfriend does. Tiramisu will make the menu, made with ladyfingers dipped in Cultivar cold brew.

More from TexasRealFood:

Boyle Heights’ Indie Brewing is back open, with a big patio in their industrial parking lot. In addition to having some excellent flagships - the IPA Del Rey, Pacific Kölsch Highway, and Beverly Pils are all standouts - they also host the tremendous LA Taco Company on Sundays. Fall has arrived in Dallas and there’s no better way to enjoy the lower temps than kicking back with brews, bites, and good company! Explore these epic beer gardens around DFW and make your plans to sip and soak up the sun this fall. Looking for a beer garden and burger spot in the neighborhood?

Science for Kids

Get the scoop on the latest openings, closings, and where and what to eat and drink.

Great Beer Gardens to Check Out in DFW

Located in the hippest neighborhoods in the City (that is the Arts District and Venice, of course), Wurstkuche is far for your average German beer garden. That’s largely thanks to a menu of exotic sausages to run from the classics to a rattlesnake and rabbit variety. Homage Brewing might just be the best Southern California brewery you’ve never heard of - it’s a tiny spot in Pomona serving excellent, innovative saisons, barrel-aged sours, and IPAs. They have a few tables, and somewhat random hours, so be sure to check their Instagram before you go. Work your way through the beer taps, to an impressive elevated Texas fare and southern style pub grubs. The Jaxon cheeseburger and Boz Steak Frites are drool-worthy.

Places To Sip While Kids Play in Long Beach and OC

Topped with house brisket, white cheddar, chili, and grilled onion, it’s lip-smackingly delicious. If you're craving some classic pub-grub then their cactus fries, smoked cheddar grits (how long do grits last?), and spicy Nashville-style fried chicken are a few other dishes you can try out from their food menu. And their new pimento cheese-slathered burger is a winner, if you’re looking for a full meal. The Ozersky, pictured here, is a classic but it also offers the Pimento (with a healthy serving of pimento cheese), the Magic which is served on an English muffin, and the Beef Cheek. Chef John Tesar cares about little as much as he cares about the quality of his meat, so expect the best. Right in the middle of Oktoberfest’s namesake month, there’s no better time to take in a gut-busting meal of German classics.

Goodfriend Kicks Off Movember; New Menu at Meddlesome Moth - Eater Dallas

Goodfriend Kicks Off Movember; New Menu at Meddlesome Moth.

Posted: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]

goodfriend beer garden & burger house

The original location has a lovely namesake Biergarten that is open again, filled with games for kids (which is much better than the sports bar-style interior). And of course, it has very fun, silly versions of hot dogs, sliders, and more, all served on King's Hawaiian rolls—which are so delicious you'll wonder why you ever used anything else. This newly opened family-owned restaurant takes inspiration from its owner’s time living in Tuscany and her family recipes from Sicily to craft a menu dedicated to the old-world Italian way of serving food. Diners will note that pasta is made fresh daily, and while they’re waiting, they might see mozzarella being freshly pulled for service. Also, the wine list is entirely natural, biodynamic, and organic bottles from small vineyards. Their splendid patio, equipped with firepits, grassy hills, picnic tables, huge garage-style doors, and a stage for concerts and live music, is airy, spacious, and perfect to escape from the bumble of the city.


This Dallas-based chain proves that multiple locations don’t have to mean burger mediocrity. Burger House has been serving up patties to meat enthusiasts across Dallas-Fort Worth for more than 60 years, which probably has something to do with the special seasoning used on those patties. Glendale institution Schreiner's Fine Sausages is known for its wide selection of German-style deli meats (black forest ham, anyone?), condiments, and assorted German foodstuffs. Thankfully the place also turns out a pretty tasty casual lunch, with room for grilled brats, knackwurst sandwiches, and more.

Here's a list of inviting places in the Los Angeles area, broken down by region, where you can drink outside with the kiddos, ranging from super traditional German beer gardens to family-friendly brewpubs with outdoor spaces. Another staple of the Southern California beer scene is Hangar 24, and its Orange County location is very kid-friendly. The biggest draw for kids is the massive outdoor space where they can run, explore, and play. It's open for outdoor dining with ample outdoor seating though the menu is more geared towards adult tastes. However, it does offer fries and onion rings that kids can snack on while you sample the great beer selection, so the kids will be perfectly happy. The pandemic has made this already pretty family-friendly taproom and beer garden even better for kids.

Though there are many spots in town to chow down on a perfectly serviceable burger, these establishments and their burgers make burger night the best night of the week. Berlin-style döner kebabs are all the rage at the aptly-named Berlins on West Third Street. The strip mall favorite turns out endless versions of the classic German street food snack during the busy lunch rush, attracting interested locals and in-the-know Germans alike.

The toppings for a New Haven pizza aren’t limited, the restaurant owners say. Pepperoni, tomato sauce and pecorino cheese might be one; a white clam pizza might be another, inspired by famous New Haven pizza joint Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana. The team plans to fly to the Northeast soon to visit Frank Pepe and two other New Haven stalwarts, Sally’s Apizza and Modern Apizza. Within the $423.7 million bond package passed in 2019, the square’s $24 million project includes a new city park, event lawn, pavilion, water fountain and improvements to the streets and sidewalks in the 14-block neighborhood. This Austin export has quickly become a staple of East Dallas. It fuses Asian cooking and barbecued meats — think oak grilled snap peas in a kimchi infusion and crispy potatoes with miso mustard.

This Oxnard brewery has a family- and dog-friendly patio, and they make some of the best sours and hazy IPAs in Southern California, making your quick drive up the coast well worth it. Brouwerij West has a massive parking lot patio set-up, where you can drink Belgian-style ales and lagers near the port in San Pedro - we like 8 ½, their hazy double IPA, the best. This Old Town Pasadena favorite has expanded to a ton of franchises across the country.

Peña is planning several vegetarian and vegan dishes. Matt’s wife, Tracy Tobin, is vegan, and even at the family’s Goodfriend Burger, she finds items she can eat because Peña has been intentional about meat-free options. New Haven, named for the city in Connecticut, is similar to Neapolitan pizza because it has thin crust and is cooked at high heat, around 650 degrees. The crust comes out “leopard,” says executive chef David Peña, meaning it looks like leopard print because of the charred spots. Because of that investment, the owners behind East Dallas’ Goodfriend Package and Goodfriend Beer Garden and Burger House have signed a lease to open a restaurant on Main Street, on a corner overlooking the new park. Fortunate Son will be a pizza joint with house-made pasta.

An offshoot of La Brea mainstay Wirsthaus, Hermosa Beach’s Brat & Brau has quickly made itself at home in the beach city. Just a few steps from the bustling pier, the casual handmade sausage and beer joint is an ideal place for refueling after a day soaking in the sun. There's nothing particularly fancy about German Cold Cuts, the unassuming shop across from the Westfield Promenade in Woodland Hills. The smallish space offers shelves filled with traditional German ingredients and candies, but also carries a strong deli counter with everything from creamy European cheeses to cuts like olive loaf.

Notably, Fortunate Son will also serve the Bourdain Burger, a favorite menu item at Goodfriend. The Bourdain is a double-double smashburger with Kewpie mayo, pickle, lettuce and tomato. The restaurant’s biggest draw will be New Haven-style pizzas.

Stone partners with The Luggage Room so you can have pizza and other snacks delivered right to your table while you enjoy your hop-centric beer. South Bay favorite Common Space brewery has opened back up in the parking lot outside their production facility in Hawthorne. In addition to some great, innovative beers like kettle sours, tiki IPAs, and rice lagers, they also host some fun food trucks, like Billionaire Burger Boyz. If you’re headed to an Angels game and want to avoid paying ballpark prices for a snack and a drink with the kiddos, look no further than Karl Strauss. Right across the street from Angels Stadium, this brewery has a spacious semi-outdoor space and a full restaurant. While there isn’t a kids' menu, there are bites that they’ll love including build-your-own style mac and cheese, cheeseburgers, and chili cheese fries.

Goodfriend Burger owners plan pizza joint in Garland square named Fortunate Son

goodfriend beer garden & burger house

Though there are many spots in town to chow down on a perfectly serviceable burger, these establishments and their burgers make burger night the best night of the week. Berlin-style döner kebabs are all the rage at the aptly-named Berlins on West Third Street. The strip mall favorite turns out endless versions of the classic German street food snack during the busy lunch rush, attracting interested locals and in-the-know Germans alike.

Highland Park Brewery

Peña is planning several vegetarian and vegan dishes. Matt’s wife, Tracy Tobin, is vegan, and even at the family’s Goodfriend Burger, she finds items she can eat because Peña has been intentional about meat-free options. New Haven, named for the city in Connecticut, is similar to Neapolitan pizza because it has thin crust and is cooked at high heat, around 650 degrees. The crust comes out “leopard,” says executive chef David Peña, meaning it looks like leopard print because of the charred spots. Because of that investment, the owners behind East Dallas’ Goodfriend Package and Goodfriend Beer Garden and Burger House have signed a lease to open a restaurant on Main Street, on a corner overlooking the new park. Fortunate Son will be a pizza joint with house-made pasta.

Eater Dallas main menu

The toppings for a New Haven pizza aren’t limited, the restaurant owners say. Pepperoni, tomato sauce and pecorino cheese might be one; a white clam pizza might be another, inspired by famous New Haven pizza joint Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana. The team plans to fly to the Northeast soon to visit Frank Pepe and two other New Haven stalwarts, Sally’s Apizza and Modern Apizza. Within the $423.7 million bond package passed in 2019, the square’s $24 million project includes a new city park, event lawn, pavilion, water fountain and improvements to the streets and sidewalks in the 14-block neighborhood. This Austin export has quickly become a staple of East Dallas. It fuses Asian cooking and barbecued meats — think oak grilled snap peas in a kimchi infusion and crispy potatoes with miso mustard.

Customers' Favorites

Better still, they're available to be made into sandwiches, with options to throw in a bite of German pastry at the end as well. 27 great breweries and bottle shops doing craft beer pick-up and delivery in Los Angeles County. Boomtown Brewery is back, with their extensive patio seating in the Arts District, along with wood-fired tacos from Corazon LA. A Long Beach spot from the same German parent company as Wirsthaus, this garden has a lot of the same spirit and offerings as the La Brea location. Enjoy sausages made with elk or duck, and make sure to finish off with the famous apple strudel. Peña’s kitchen will also have traditional Italian dishes such as chicken Parmesan, meatball rigatoni, and clams with spaghetti.

goodfriend beer garden & burger house


Here's a list of inviting places in the Los Angeles area, broken down by region, where you can drink outside with the kiddos, ranging from super traditional German beer gardens to family-friendly brewpubs with outdoor spaces. Another staple of the Southern California beer scene is Hangar 24, and its Orange County location is very kid-friendly. The biggest draw for kids is the massive outdoor space where they can run, explore, and play. It's open for outdoor dining with ample outdoor seating though the menu is more geared towards adult tastes. However, it does offer fries and onion rings that kids can snack on while you sample the great beer selection, so the kids will be perfectly happy. The pandemic has made this already pretty family-friendly taproom and beer garden even better for kids.

Boyle Heights’ Indie Brewing is back open, with a big patio in their industrial parking lot. In addition to having some excellent flagships - the IPA Del Rey, Pacific Kölsch Highway, and Beverly Pils are all standouts - they also host the tremendous LA Taco Company on Sundays. Fall has arrived in Dallas and there’s no better way to enjoy the lower temps than kicking back with brews, bites, and good company! Explore these epic beer gardens around DFW and make your plans to sip and soak up the sun this fall. Looking for a beer garden and burger spot in the neighborhood?

Eater LA

Located in the hippest neighborhoods in the City (that is the Arts District and Venice, of course), Wurstkuche is far for your average German beer garden. That’s largely thanks to a menu of exotic sausages to run from the classics to a rattlesnake and rabbit variety. Homage Brewing might just be the best Southern California brewery you’ve never heard of - it’s a tiny spot in Pomona serving excellent, innovative saisons, barrel-aged sours, and IPAs. They have a few tables, and somewhat random hours, so be sure to check their Instagram before you go. Work your way through the beer taps, to an impressive elevated Texas fare and southern style pub grubs. The Jaxon cheeseburger and Boz Steak Frites are drool-worthy.

Goodfriend Beer Garden & Burger House: A Really Cursory First Look - D Magazine

Goodfriend Beer Garden & Burger House: A Really Cursory First Look.

Posted: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This Oxnard brewery has a family- and dog-friendly patio, and they make some of the best sours and hazy IPAs in Southern California, making your quick drive up the coast well worth it. Brouwerij West has a massive parking lot patio set-up, where you can drink Belgian-style ales and lagers near the port in San Pedro - we like 8 ½, their hazy double IPA, the best. This Old Town Pasadena favorite has expanded to a ton of franchises across the country.

Neighborhood Guides

Get the scoop on the latest openings, closings, and where and what to eat and drink.

This Dallas-based chain proves that multiple locations don’t have to mean burger mediocrity. Burger House has been serving up patties to meat enthusiasts across Dallas-Fort Worth for more than 60 years, which probably has something to do with the special seasoning used on those patties. Glendale institution Schreiner's Fine Sausages is known for its wide selection of German-style deli meats (black forest ham, anyone?), condiments, and assorted German foodstuffs. Thankfully the place also turns out a pretty tasty casual lunch, with room for grilled brats, knackwurst sandwiches, and more.

Topped with house brisket, white cheddar, chili, and grilled onion, it’s lip-smackingly delicious. If you're craving some classic pub-grub then their cactus fries, smoked cheddar grits (how long do grits last?), and spicy Nashville-style fried chicken are a few other dishes you can try out from their food menu. And their new pimento cheese-slathered burger is a winner, if you’re looking for a full meal. The Ozersky, pictured here, is a classic but it also offers the Pimento (with a healthy serving of pimento cheese), the Magic which is served on an English muffin, and the Beef Cheek. Chef John Tesar cares about little as much as he cares about the quality of his meat, so expect the best. Right in the middle of Oktoberfest’s namesake month, there’s no better time to take in a gut-busting meal of German classics.

The original location has a lovely namesake Biergarten that is open again, filled with games for kids (which is much better than the sports bar-style interior). And of course, it has very fun, silly versions of hot dogs, sliders, and more, all served on King's Hawaiian rolls—which are so delicious you'll wonder why you ever used anything else. This newly opened family-owned restaurant takes inspiration from its owner’s time living in Tuscany and her family recipes from Sicily to craft a menu dedicated to the old-world Italian way of serving food. Diners will note that pasta is made fresh daily, and while they’re waiting, they might see mozzarella being freshly pulled for service. Also, the wine list is entirely natural, biodynamic, and organic bottles from small vineyards. Their splendid patio, equipped with firepits, grassy hills, picnic tables, huge garage-style doors, and a stage for concerts and live music, is airy, spacious, and perfect to escape from the bumble of the city.

For experimental fare, Rye is the place to be on Greenville Avenue. It’s famous for its duroc pork belly lollipops and take on the Icelandic hot dog, as well as its deep whiskey list and whiskey-driven cocktail menu. The restaurant has added a chef’s tasting menu, lunch, and brunch. The great thing about going for sliders instead of a full-sized burger is that you can try a few wildly different burgers all at once. Maple & Motor has long offered one of Dallas’ favorite burgers, landing on nearly every burger enthusiast’s best-of list and even earning recognition from flame-shirted Food Network personality Guy Fieri.

Notably, Fortunate Son will also serve the Bourdain Burger, a favorite menu item at Goodfriend. The Bourdain is a double-double smashburger with Kewpie mayo, pickle, lettuce and tomato. The restaurant’s biggest draw will be New Haven-style pizzas.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hyatt House Charlotte Center City from $128 Charlotte Hotel Deals & Reviews

hyatt house city center charlotte

This is a carousel with rotating slides. It displays featured reviews of the property. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate.

Verified reviews from real guests.

The hotel offers both rooms and suites along with studios and residences which are perfect for long or short-term accommodations. Every room is tastefully decorated and offers a large selection of amenities for convenience to guests. The rooms feature pillowtop mattresses, large flat screen televisions, work desks with ergonomic chairs, and Gilchrist & Soames bath amenities.

Does Hyatt House Charlotte Center City have a pool?

hyatt house city center charlotte

A business centre and daily maid service are also provided.Blumenthal Performing Arts Center is 7 minutes’ walk from this Hyatt House hotel. Levine Museum of the New South is 9 minutes’ walk away. Charlotte Convention Center is 1.2 km from the hotel. LOCATION, especially for any events at spectrum stadium. Also, I enjoyed the valet parking in the private deck so I didn’t have to worry about my vehicle as much.

How far is Hyatt House Charlotte Center City from the centre of Charlotte?

Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply. Good breakfast, comfortable bed, convenient to have kitchen in room, exceptional location for access to bus to the airport. This hotel perfectly fit the bill for our short trip to Charlotte. Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card upon check-in. This air-conditioned quadruple room is consisted of of a flat-screen TV with cable channels and a private bathroom. This air-conditioned double room includes a flat-screen TV with cable channels and a private bathroom.

Property highlights

My hotel room with nice view and very convenient to the hornets game. Hyatt House Charlotte Center City accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.

It would be a plus if it were included. Room was wonderful, clean, and comfortable. Find thousands of other hotels, flights, car rentals and package deals with KAYAK. Those looking to explore the area will find great food and drink nearby. Food and beverage services at this property may be limited or unavailable due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Restaurants1 restaurant on site

The staff and room are very accommodating. The room was large, and even had a kitchen, dishes, a decent sized fridge and all for a decent price. Nothing out of the ordinary for a hotel but decent. Plenty of things in walking distance, and parking wasn't too bad either.

AAA Hotel Discounts: Are They Worth It? [2021] - UponArriving -

AAA Hotel Discounts: Are They Worth It? .

Posted: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Property practices

hyatt house city center charlotte

Guests also get access to an iron and ironing board, hair dryers, and lighted make-up mirror. Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property is taking steps to protect the safety of guests and staff. The hotel boasts 163 large guestrooms and is less than a mile from the Charlotte Convention Center. What I liked was that the hotel had valet parking and it was located right beside the spectrum center. This air-conditioned quadruple room includes a flat-screen TV with cable channels and a private bathroom. Guests are required to show a photo identification and credit card upon check-in.

Top tips for your stay at Hyatt House Charlotte Center City

Hotel Rollaway Bed Guide: (The Costs & Free Locations) - UponArriving -

Hotel Rollaway Bed Guide: (The Costs & Free Locations).

Posted: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Lock in a great price for Hyatt House Charlotte Center City - rated 8.7 by recent guests. Well located and easy to get anywhere in the city centre, clean and spacious room but the best part was the staff. Perfect location in Charlotte uptown. We have more than 70 million property reviews, all from real, verified guests. This hotel was highly-rated for its very comfy beds. This room features a flat-screen TV with cable channels.

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners. Spa and gym facilities at this property are unavailable due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property has reduced reception and service hours. In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), additional safety and sanitation measures are in effect at this property.

Cots and extra beds are not available at this property. My friend and I hadn’t ever stayed here before and were so happy we did! We couldn’t believe how great the place was for the price we got. The valet service was awesome-so kind and so helpful. The front desk-especially Trey-was a great help.

A coffee maker is provided as well. Enter your dates to view today's low rates and promotions. Get exclusive access to member-only deals by email. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 9.4 for a two-person trip.

Guests will enjoy the comfort of a separate living area with a sofa. Guests will enjoy the comfort of a living area with a sofa. Food & beverage services at this property may be limited or unavailable due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search. The breakfast was perfect, but not included in the overnight room rate.

A microwave, refrigerator, and coffee-making facilities are included as well as a private bathroom with a hairdryer. A fitness center is on-site at Charlotte City Center Hyatt House. A 24-hour mini-market, grocery delivery, and room service are available for convenience. A business center and daily maid service are also provided. Blumenthal Performing Arts Center is a 7-minute walk from this Hyatt House hotel.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search. Check out the hotel description above to learn more about the amenities available during your stay. Spa and gym facilities at this property are unavailable due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), this property has reduced reception and service operating hours. In response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), additional safety and sanitation measures are in effect at this property.

Happy Hour Willow Grove, PA

yard house willow grove

Serve is always amazing, above and beyond compared to other places in the area. Shout out to Felicia, who was our server this past Friday. She was so friendly and funny, and made sure our drinks and food came on time.

View Menu

Food and drinks are 10/10. To keep all that beer cold, the Yard House in Willow Grove has a glass-enclosed keg room that houses 3,000 gallons of beer at degrees. The beer, the company says, is delivered to the center-island bar through more than two miles of individual beer lines that stretch overhead. Happy Hour offerings, days and times vary by location.

Take-Out/Delivery Options

$43M Willow Grove YMCA nears completion - Philadelphia Business Journal - Philadelphia Business Journal

$43M Willow Grove YMCA nears completion - Philadelphia Business Journal.

Posted: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A CROSSROADS OF FOOD, BREWS & TUNES When the craft beer revolution began nearly 20 years ago, Yard House was there pioneering the way. I had the burger it was really good. The place was pretty busy for a Sunday afternoon. I definitely want to come back and try dinner there's a few items on dinner menu I saw that looked good.

Menus People Viewed Nearby

yard house willow grove

Yard House is known for great food, classic rock music and 160 taps of domestic, local and import beers. Whether you're in the mood for a grilled burger and a pint of our favorite beer or Poke Bowl paired with the Magic Margarita, Yard House has something for everyone. It's the perfect place to unwind and take a break - meet old friends for happy hour, celebrate a special occasion, or gather your family for dinner.


The menu features more than 100 items, including the Poke nachos, Nashville hot chicken, parmesan crusted pork loin and ginger-crusted salmon. There are gluten-sensitive, vegan and vegetarian options available. Our Hosts play an important role in our daily operations by being our “first and last impression”. Hosts set the stage for an exceptional dining experience.

View the Menu

Not available at Times Square and Las Vegas The LINQ. The restaurant also will participate in the company's Yard House Harvest program, through which surplus food that wasn't served in the restaurant will be donated to local food banks.

$2 Off Beer, Wine, Spirits, & Cocktails

yard house willow grove

Guests are always welcome at our house. Cool atmosphere for a casual lunch or nice dinner. We got the chicken bowl and the Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwich. Plenty of draft options as they say they have the “world’s largest” draft selection.

Happy Hour

Online Menu of Yard House, Willow Grove, PA

yard house willow grove

Not available at Times Square and Las Vegas The LINQ. The restaurant also will participate in the company's Yard House Harvest program, through which surplus food that wasn't served in the restaurant will be donated to local food banks.

Location & Contact

Food and drinks are 10/10. To keep all that beer cold, the Yard House in Willow Grove has a glass-enclosed keg room that houses 3,000 gallons of beer at degrees. The beer, the company says, is delivered to the center-island bar through more than two miles of individual beer lines that stretch overhead. Happy Hour offerings, days and times vary by location.

Temple senior gets a drive-by graduation surprise - The Philadelphia Inquirer

Temple senior gets a drive-by graduation surprise.

Posted: Thu, 07 May 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

$2 Off Beer, Wine, Spirits, & Cocktails

Guests are always welcome at our house. Cool atmosphere for a casual lunch or nice dinner. We got the chicken bowl and the Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwich. Plenty of draft options as they say they have the “world’s largest” draft selection.


Serve is always amazing, above and beyond compared to other places in the area. Shout out to Felicia, who was our server this past Friday. She was so friendly and funny, and made sure our drinks and food came on time.

A CROSSROADS OF FOOD, BREWS & TUNES When the craft beer revolution began nearly 20 years ago, Yard House was there pioneering the way. I had the burger it was really good. The place was pretty busy for a Sunday afternoon. I definitely want to come back and try dinner there's a few items on dinner menu I saw that looked good.

The menu features more than 100 items, including the Poke nachos, Nashville hot chicken, parmesan crusted pork loin and ginger-crusted salmon. There are gluten-sensitive, vegan and vegetarian options available. Our Hosts play an important role in our daily operations by being our “first and last impression”. Hosts set the stage for an exceptional dining experience.

Bucks, Montgomery County business achievers - Bucks County Courier Times

Bucks, Montgomery County business achievers.

Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]


Yard House is known for great food, classic rock music and 160 taps of domestic, local and import beers. Whether you're in the mood for a grilled burger and a pint of our favorite beer or Poke Bowl paired with the Magic Margarita, Yard House has something for everyone. It's the perfect place to unwind and take a break - meet old friends for happy hour, celebrate a special occasion, or gather your family for dinner.

yard house willow grove

View the Menu

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Opera House A film by Susan Froemke

the metropolitan opera house

The Metropolitan Opera House (also known as The Met) is an opera house located on Broadway at Lincoln Square on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City. It opened in 1966, replacing the original 1883 Metropolitan Opera House at Broadway and 39th Street. With a seating capacity of approximately 3,850, the house is the largest repertory opera house in the world.[1] Home to the Metropolitan Opera Company, the facility also hosts the American Ballet Theatre in the summer months. Met Titles appear on individual screens mounted on the back of each row of seats, for those members of the audience who wish to utilize them, but with minimum distraction for those who do not. The Metropolitan Opera is a vibrant home for the most creative and talented singers, conductors, composers, musicians, stage directors, designers, visual artists, choreographers, and dancers from around the world. The opera takes place in the Japanese port city of Nagasaki at the turn of the last century, at a time of expanding American international presence.

Biden signs off on $17 billion in aid for Israel

American singers acquired even greater prominence with Geraldine Farrar and Rosa Ponselle becoming important members of the company. In the 1920s, Lawrence Tibbett became the first in a distinguished line of American baritones for whom the Met was home. Today, the Met continues to present the best available talent from around the world and also discovers and trains artists through its National Council Auditions and Lindemann Young Artist Development Program. The visit came as college campuses continue to be roiled by protests and tensions related to the Israel-Hamas war. Many of the protesters are demanding universities to divest financial holdings in Israel.

Title languages displayed for

Gelb began outlining his plans in April 2006; these included more new productions each year, ideas for shaving staging costs, and attracting new audiences without deterring existing opera-lovers. Gelb saw these issues as crucial for an organization which is dependent on private financing. His immediate successor, the former Met bass Herbert Witherspoon, died of a heart attack barely six weeks into his term of office.[37][38][39] This opened the way for the Canadian tenor and former Met artist Edward Johnson to be appointed general manager. Johnson served the company for the next 15 years, guiding the Met through the remaining years of the depression and the World War II era. Conried was followed by Giulio Gatti-Casazza, who held a 27-year tenure from 1908 to 1935.

Edward Johnson

Harpist Bridget Kibbey and guitarist Chico Pinheiro join Battle for this one-night-only event. Hänsel und Gretel was the first complete opera broadcast from the Met on Christmas Day 1931. Regular Saturday afternoon live broadcasts quickly made the Met a permanent presence in communities throughout the United States and Canada. Susan Froemke is a non-fiction filmmaker with more than thirty documentaries to her credit, from the classic Grey Gardens (1976) to Lalee’s Kin (2001), an HBO film on poverty nominated for an Academy Award, and Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman (2017), which premiered at Sundance Film Festival. She was the principal filmmaker at legendary Maysles Films in New York for more than two decades. Curate your perfect subscription package of six or more operas with a Flex Subscription.

The original trio of legendary divas—sopranos Renée Fleming and Kelli O’Hara and mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato—reprise their celebrated portrayals of three women from different eras whose lives are connected through Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway. Bass-baritone Kyle Ketelsen also returns as the dying author Richard, and Kensho Watanabe conducts Phelim McDermott’s gripping staging of this heart-wrenching drama, adapted from Michael Cunningham’s acclaimed novel and the Oscar-winning film it inspired. House Republicans have long accused elite colleges and universities of skewing left and pursuing a “woke” agenda that tramples on parental rights.

But, according to two of those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private meeting, Dr. Shafik used part of her roughly hourlong appearance to acknowledge that the decision to bring in the police had exacerbated the problems. She said she believed, though, that it was necessary for the safety of protesting students. Please note that video cameras will be in operation during the January 23 and January 27 performances as part of the Met’s Live in HD series of cinema transmissions. The protest, which featured chants of "Free Palestine,'' was organized by a student group in solidarity with demonstrations in other college campuses demanding schools sever ties with corporations linked to the Israeli military and for the U.S. to stop funding Israel's war effort.

The Hours

But the antiwar outbursts on campuses across the country that began shortly after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel — and the rise of antisemitism on college campuses, according to the Anti-Defamation League — are now oft-repeated targets of Republican criticism. GOP lawmakers are seeking to slash federal funding for universities and have hauled university officials to Capitol Hill to answer questions such as whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” would violate their schools’ code of conduct. The Met Orchestra will also take centerstage, playing from a raised pit, with flutist Seth Morris and assistant conductor Bryan Wagorn making special onstage appearances with the singers. The Met's experiments with television go back to 1948 when a complete performance of Verdi's Otello was broadcast live on ABC-TV with Ramón Vinay, Licia Albanese, and Leonard Warren. In the early 1950s the Met tried a short-lived experiment with live closed-circuit television transmissions to movie theaters. The first of these was a performance of Carmen with Risë Stevens which was sent to 31 theaters in 27 US cities on December 11, 1952.

Such funding has been a driving force for the encampments and other protests at universities and elsewhere in the U.S. The alleged abuse, which occurred nearly a dozen times, took place in Gray’s car or apartment, the victim alleged. Moments like this are perfect for the Lithuanian soprano Asmik Grigorian, a fiercely intelligent and captivating singer who made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera on Friday. She comes to New York having already reached star status abroad, and it didn’t take long in “Butterfly” to see why. In the most heartbreaking scene of Puccini’s opera “Madama Butterfly,” the title character waits.

Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center

The theater closed after a short season of ballet later in the spring of 1966 and was demolished in 1967. To further engage new audiences Gelb initiated live high-definition video transmissions to cinemas worldwide, and regular live satellite radio broadcasts on the Met's own SiriusXM radio channel. The model of General Manager as the leading authority in the company returned in 1990 when the company appointed Joseph Volpe. Soprano Asmik Grigorian, a superstar in the opera houses of Europe, brings her celebrated portrayal of the title role to the Met for her long-awaited company debut.

Among Wagner’s works, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Das Rheingold, Siegfried, Götterdämmerung, Tristan und Isolde, and Parsifal were first performed in this country by the Met. Other American premieres have included Boris Godunov, Der Rosenkavalier, Turandot, Simon Boccanegra, and Arabella. An additional 78 operas have had their Met premieres since the opera house at Lincoln Center opened in 1966. Please note that video cameras will be in operation during the November 14 and November 18 performances as part of the Met’s Live in HD series of cinema transmissions. Please note that video cameras will be in operation during the May 7 and May 11 performances as part of the Met’s Live in HD series of cinema transmissions.

] ticket sales system, and brought an end to the company's Tuesday night performances in Philadelphia.[40] He presided over an era of fine singing and glittering new productions, while guiding the company's move to a new home in Lincoln Center. While many outstanding singers debuted at the Met under Bing's guiding hand, music critics complained of a lack of great conducting during his regime,[citation needed] even though such eminent conductors as Fritz Stiedry, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Erich Leinsdorf, Fritz Reiner, and Karl Böhm appeared frequently in the 1950s and '60s. The large and highly mechanized stage and support space smoothly facilitates the rotating presentation of up to four different opera productions each week. Two large rehearsal halls (situated three floors below the stage) have nearly the dimensions of the Main Stage, allowing for blocking rehearsals and space for full orchestra set ups. The Metropolitan Opera has always engaged many of the world’s most important artists. Christine Nilsson and Marcella Sembrich shared leading roles during the opening season.

By nightfall, demonstrators sat in the street and led protest chants against Israel and U.S. foreign aid to the country. Officers handcuffed them with zip ties and loaded them on several buses that lined the street. Harvard students set up a ring of tents in Harvard Yard midday Wednesday and said they plan to stay put until the school’s administration responds to their demands to divest from funds that support Israel’s military. Students sang and danced in a circle in front of the statue of John Harvard, the school’s namesake, draped with a keffiyeh (scarf), as dozens of others looked on. Before the school issued the statement, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine said administrators threatened to bring in police and the National Guard if protesters did not comply with their demands.

House Republicans who visited Columbia with the speaker made clear they would follow through with punishing colleges and universities if the protests are not controlled. That behind-the-scenes conversation — involving officials from the Secret Service and other relevant law enforcement agencies — focused only on how to move and protect Mr. Trump if the judge were to order him briefly jailed for contempt in a courthouse holding cell, the people said. ∎ In the Boston area, encampments have been erected at multiple schools including Tufts University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Emerson College.

∎ California's Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata will be closed Wednesday after pro-Palestinian protesters occupied a campus building, the school announced. ∎ At the University of Minnesota campus in St. Paul, police made nine arrests and cleared an encampment after the school asked them to take action, citing violations of university policy and trespassing law. The university closed the main campus due to the "significant activity on campus," USC's Department of Public Safety said in an alert to students. Everyone on the campus could still leave but students were required to enter through pedestrian gates using their school IDs. Meanwhile, police arrested protesters Wednesday at the University of Southern California campus, which closed to the public Wednesday amid clashes between pro-Palestinian demonstrators and authorities at the school and nationwide. MetTitles are available in English, Spanish, and German for all opera performances, and in Italian for all Italian-language operas.

the metropolitan opera house

The second setting is Los Angeles in 1949, where Dan and Laura Brown are struggling to conform to a proper mid-century American suburban life. The third setting is Manhattan at the end of the 20th century, where Clarissa Vaughan is preparing to throw a party for the poet Richard who faces the late stages of AIDS. Nemat Shafik, Columbia University’s besieged president, faced skeptics on Wednesday in a meeting with the university senate that could vote to censure her over her handling of protests on the Upper Manhattan campus. The Israel-Gaza war is also contentious among House Democrats, with liberals clashing with some Jewish colleagues early on in the war.

Fireworks at the Opera House: Inside the Metropolitan Opera's New Year's Eve Gala - Vogue

Fireworks at the Opera House: Inside the Metropolitan Opera's New Year's Eve Gala.

Posted: Tue, 02 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

An eight-hour Centennial Gala concert in two parts followed on October 22, 1983, broadcast on PBS. The gala featured all of the Met's current stars as well as appearances by 26 veteran stars of the Met's the past. Among the artists, Leonard Bernstein and Birgit Nilsson gave their last performances with the company at the concert.[50] This season also marked the debut of bass Samuel Ramey, who debuted as Argante in Handel's Rinaldo in January 1984. The Met's performing company consists of a large symphony orchestra, a chorus, children's choir, and many supporting and leading solo singers. The company also employs numerous free-lance dancers, actors, musicians and other performers throughout the season. The Met's roster of singers includes both international and American artists, some of whose careers have been developed through the Met's young artists programs.

Metropolitan Opera House National Historic Landmarks U S. National Park Service

the metropolitan opera house

"Students should not have to risk their reputation, livelihoods or their safety to speak out against a genocide or their university’s complicity in genocide," CAIR-NY’s Executive Director Afaf Nasher said in a statement. The stage facilities, state of the art when the theater was built, continue to be updated technically and are capable of handling multiple large complex opera productions simultaneously. When the opera company is on hiatus, the Opera House is annually home to the spring season of American Ballet Theatre.

24 Season

Shafik called on the New York Police Department, whose officers arrived in riot gear, to arrest protesters just one day after she and other Columbia leaders told Congress she would make changes aimed at ending the harassment of Jewish students. The school also announced it would start a hybrid learning model for the rest of the year. Outside of New York the Met has been known to audiences in large measure through its many years of live radio broadcasts. The Met's broadcast history goes back to January 1910 when radio pioneer Lee de Forest broadcast experimentally, with erratic signal, two live performances from the stage of the Met that were reportedly heard as far away as Newark, New Jersey. Today the annual Met broadcast season typically begins the first week of December and offers twenty live Saturday matinée performances through May. The first network broadcast was heard on December 25, 1931, a performance of Engelbert Humperdinck'sHänsel und Gretel.

Metropolitan Opera presents semi-staged `Turandot' after stage malfunction - The Associated Press

Metropolitan Opera presents semi-staged `Turandot' after stage malfunction.

Posted: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Explore the National Park Service

Dr. Shafik, who last week called in the police officers who made more than 100 arrests while they cleared a student protest encampment, is facing mounting calls for her resignation, including from House Speaker Mike Johnson, who visited Columbia on Wednesday. If Dr. Shafik ultimately remains atop Columbia, her meeting with the university senate made plain that it will likely be as a scarred figure. She said the school’s administration has consistently suppressed student support for Palestinians and now, after more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the students decided to take more public action.

the metropolitan opera house

John Adams’s El Niño

Latonia Moore reprises her heartbreaking portrayal as Charles’s mother, Billie, with soprano Brittany Renee as Destiny/Loneliness/Greta. Standing room tickets go on sale on the day of the performance and are available in the Orchestra and Family Circle. "Is it not the sign of a civil society that we allow people a way to earn their way back, and give them the support and resources they need to do that?" Harris said. Harris announced a new rule from the Small Business Administration that lifts some restrictions on loans for people with criminal records.

the metropolitan opera house

Lindemann Young Artist Development Program

As such, consistent efforts to start construction of a new opera house were commonplace until the mid-twentieth century. Increasing the number of new productions every season to keep the Met's stagings fresh and noteworthy, Gelb partnered with other opera companies to import productions and engaged directors from theater, circus, and film to produce the Met's own original productions. Theater directors Bartlett Sher, Mary Zimmerman, and Jack O'Brien joined the list of the Met's directors along with Stephen Wadsworth, Willy Decker, Laurent Pelly, Luc Bondy and other opera directors to create new stagings for the company. Robert Lepage, the Canadian director of Cirque du Soleil, was engaged by the Met to direct a revival of Der Ring des Nibelungen using hydraulic stage platforms and projected 3D imagery. Succeeding Johnson in 1950 was the Austrian-born Rudolf Bing who had most recently created and served as director of the Edinburgh Festival. Serving from 1950 to 1972, Bing became one of the Met's most influential and reformist leaders.

Meanwhile, Republicans nationally have seized upon a reluctance from university presidents to call out antisemitism on their campuses in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. The dynamic gained steam in December, when a group of university presidents testified before a congressional committee. Rep. Elise Stefanik, the GOP conference chair, pressed the administrators at the hearing on how they have handled antisemitic incidents on their campuses.

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Officials have had preliminary discussions about how to protect the former president in the unlikely event that he is jailed for contempt during the trial. Other celebs at the DC-based annual event dubbed “The Nerd Prom” included Sophia Bush, making her red carpet debut with girlfriend Ashlyn Harris, Molly Ringwald, Chris Pine, Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost. Biden signed a controversial aid package bill Wednesday that provides, among other things, $17 billion for Israel. The bill also supplies $9 billion for humanitarian aid, some of it for Palestinians in Gaza, but that's a little over half the amount assigned for military aid to Israel.

Protesters met by police at UT Austin, USC

During the off season for the Met the Opera House hosts performances by the American Ballet Theatre and other touring ballets and operas. The Metropolitan Opera mourns the death of conductor Andrew Davis, who led 106 performances with the company over 34 years. Carrie Cracknell’s electrifying modern-day staging stars Clémentine Margaine, reprising her captivating portrayal of the title role, and Michael Fabiano, who makes his company role debut as Don José.

∎ Hamas also put out a statement about the demonstrations, as Izzat Al-Risheq, a member of the militant group's Political Bureau, said the Biden administration is "violating the individual rights and the right to expression through arresting university students and faculty members'' who are protesting. Opera is known for its elevated expression, of which there is plenty in “Butterfly,” a tragedy from start to finish. But Grigorian is the type of singer who also behaves like a skilled, nuanced actress.

Above the proscenium is an untitled bronze sculpture by Mary Callery.[17] The orchestra pit is very large and open to the auditorium, with the capacity for up to 110 musicians. The Met stage has also been home to numerous world premieres of operas, including John Corigliano's The Ghosts of Versailles, Philip Glass's The Voyage and the US premiere of Nico Muhly's Two Boys in 2013. Kevin Puts’s hit new opera, which played to sold-out audiences during its world-premiere production last season, triumphantly returns. The original trio of legendary divas—Renée Fleming, Kelli O’Hara and Joyce DiDonato—reprise their celebrated portrayals of three women from different eras whose lives intersect through the power of Viriginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. We’re proud to bring you a new season packed with opera’s most talented stars, a wide range of repertoire, and a handful of new productions from some of our most gifted stage directors.

That prompted Democratic leadership to attempt to keep attacks from becoming personal. Over the weekend, 37 liberals voted against sending $14 billion in aid to Israel over concerns that humanitarian aid would not reach Gaza, joining 21 Republicans who did not support the measure over spending concerns. The lawmakers’ pleas were not as forceful as Republicans’, who left no room for distinction between those targeting Jewish students and those peacefully protesting the Israel-Gaza war. But the Democrats were adamant about the need to protect students with backgrounds like theirs. House Democrats descended Monday onto Columbia’s campus to express outrage over antisemitic harassment of Jewish students on and around campus.

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